Website Design & Development

Redesign a currently existing website with a personal layout that could be considered a better version because of greater user friendliness and less confusion.

New versus current: define existing problems and possible solutions and improvements.
Deciding what to keep and how to improve or replace the excluded parts from the example website. From this experience, the lesson was that design requires equal amounts of attention to the visual appearance and to the feel. This required nding a balance and process; this was perhaps the greatest challenge in these steps.

UI/UX design (also applicable to other design principles) involves how the designer removes unnecessary information, then organizes necessary information into pages. Furthermore, the designer crafts individual elements into layouts, such as sidebars, that direct the user through the entire website in an intuitive and appealing manner. In this project, the principle was to retain the original style from the old website, and keep the elements and construction as clean and simple as possible.

One of the main tasks was to merge multiple subpages from the navigation bar into a drop-down menu under the main pages when the mouse moves over it. The current layout of the Homepage had the original design that listed all the information that could be compiled into one main section, such as the page “DIG IN”. The category “RECIPES” was put under the page “KITCHEN” in the modied website layout, and “STORES”, “CAREERS”, “OUR STORY”, and “ANNOUNCEMENTS” were catalogued under a new page, “ABOUT US”.
Another task was to organize information such as food categories inside the supages. The original content was scattered unevenly, with some sections containing massive amounts of information (selling choice for the customers) and others having little information. The new layout has reorganized the content with clear and direct interaction to assist users to browse through the choices oered by this food-chain company with minimal confusion.


(+44) 77-515-80914


17 Forteath St.,
Elgin Moray, Scotland IV30 1PN